Sunday, October 19, 2014

How to play with your friends balls...

As with any new invention, technology giveth and technology taketh-away. Kids these days have grown up never knowing what it is to be lost or what it means to be out of reach. The entire world has been mapped out, connected, shrunk down and put in their pockets. The world is literally in their pockets and at their fingertips. There are obvious advantages to this relatively-recent revision of reality but there have been some unforeseen and unexpected consequences. I'm not referring to the usual suspects of poor communication skill, poor grammar, complete spelling incompetence,  illiteracy, social awkwardness and such. I consider those positive repercussions; my generation can claim the apex of civilized culture. All future generations will be on the long, downward slope to complete and utter stupidity while we rule their pathetically confused and horribly misspelled lives.  The biggest problem I have noticed as of late is that many people have forgotten how to play cooperatively especially with others' balls. Specifically, how to play with friends' balls. Confused? You are not alone. I think it will make much more sense if I lay out the main ground rules. I'm sure you will realize how many violations of these precious and, until now, unspoken rules have been occurring with accelerating frequency these days.

1. When invited to play with your friend's ball/balls, do not assume their balls are now your balls and take them home. If a friend throws you their balls, it is most likely an initiation of a game in which you generally throw the balls back or continue to play with their balls together. There are some exceptions to this rule, but they are quite rare and infrequent. If in doubt, throw the balls back.
2. If the balls are connected to your friend, don't play with them. There are also rare exceptions to this rule: (a.) you are threatened with un-defendable violence and perform a thorough cost-benefit analysis (b.) the money is right, (c.) you and your friend are mutually cool with it.

3. You must abide by the rules of the game as detailed by the owner of the balls. If your friend has a specific way he/she wants his or her balls to be played with, you are contractually obliged to play with them in that fashion once you commence the playing. If you do not accept the conditions set forth by your friend, do not play with your friend's balls.

4. It is understood that the playing will cease when your friend decides to take their balls home. This rule applies whether you agree with your friend's decision to retire their balls for the day or not. Do not forget that they are not your balls. You can not force someone to play with their own balls. It is illegal in most countries. And keep in mind, if you play nice with their balls today, they are more likely to invite you to play with their balls again tomorrow!

5. Some balls are more delicate than others, but all balls need to be treated with respect. This is true not only regarding your friends' balls but your own balls as well. Take care of all the worlds balls so that they can be enjoyed and played with for years to come.

Never make fun of your friends balls unless yours are better and you'd rather play with those. But remember, if you disrespect your friends' balls, you may just have to play with your own balls all alone.

It is unfortunate that we have allowed society to come to this. When I was younger, my friends and I knew how to play with our balls. The rules were unspoken but universally understood. It is a sad day, indeed, but with a little patience and a whole lot of guidance, I'm confident future generations of this world will be able to enjoy playing with each others' balls with no tears, no hard-feelings, and no lawsuits.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The zombies are coming...

If the zombie apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, are you prepared?  What preparations have you taken?  Are you and your family safe?
If you answered no, none, and no in that order, then have I got a deal for you:
"Zombie Armies 'R Us"
ZARU can satisfy a wide array of zombie army needs.  We have old zombies, young zombies, women zombies, dude zombies.  We have musician zombies, gardener zombies, high-level supermarket administration zombies, master-plasterer zombies, chemist zombies, smokey-bacon purveying zombies.
Mix and match any combination of zombies you wish!

  • 1 zombie-"The Loner" = $25/day
  • 2 zombies-"The Buddy Special" = $49/day
  • 3 zombies- "The French Connection" = $72.50/day
  • 4 zombies- "The Zombi-lateral" = $89.99/day
  • 5 zombies- "The Pentazomb" = $110/day
  • 6 zombies- "The Hexazomb" = $125/day
    *add any additional zombies to your package for $32.50/zombie
My right to bear arms...
I can but only completely agree with my fellow friend and patriot,  JT (not Justin Timberlake, but close):
"...Less government, less government, less government! Get out of my schools. Get out of my churches. Get out of my health care. Get out of my right-to-life issues. Leave my taxes alone. Leave me alone! Get out of my life!But, before you go, would you please perform the following: Pass a law closing our borders? Would you please pass a law disallowing all foreigners (that we don’t like) any right to immigrate. Please pass a no fly zone law over our country and our ‘protectorates’. Oh yeah, about that Ebola thing…please make an amendment to send all those infected back to Africa where they belong. You know, like a 59th Amendment or something (a high numbered amendment would be more impressive)! Oh and make English our only legal language….real American english, not that British junk. Make it a law to include prayer in school. Pass a law that forces schools to teach creationism, and illegal to teach evolution. And pass a law to make everyone under the poverty level (like there really is such a thing…..except for completely lazy people) take a drug test before they can do anything. Better yet, make being poor a felony! Oooooh debtors prisons would be good, but only if the government paid for them. Plus make a law that lets me only have to spend money on me and mine; none of that other stuff like welfare programs and socialist/fascist/communist type freebies for the drug addicts, the lazy, and the stupid people out there. One more thing, thank you for protecting our right to completely misinterpret the first and second amendments, as well as most other mythical laws and rights.Okay, NOW get out of my life! Really, get out! Remember, it’s our right to keep and arm bears!Wait, one more thing, make all those filthy liberals move to Canada! Nasty libtards!"
So leave my right to bear arms alone. It's already hard enough to blog og as it is.

Friday, October 17, 2014

What most people don't understand
 about this picture...

is that it took over 3 hours, twelve men, and a hell of a lot of horse tranquilizer to put that buffalo down.  We also had to cart a generator out into the field to power my electric hair trimmers.  Wahl, nothin' but the best will work on buffalo hair!  The tranqs kind of wore off a little sooner than we had calculated and things took a turn for the worse.  The buffalo stumbled to its feet and tried to charge me.  I guess it didn't enjoy waking up to a bearded man with a buzzing object in his hand carving into his rib-cage fur.  That stumbly bull ran right into and got himself all hung up in the electric fence.  You can still see the welt on his hindquarters!  At that point in time, we all shared a laugh, had a smoke, took this picture and went on our merry ways.