My right to bear arms...
I can but only completely agree with my fellow friend and patriot, JT (not Justin Timberlake, but close):"...Less government, less government, less government! Get out of my schools. Get out of my churches. Get out of my health care. Get out of my right-to-life issues. Leave my taxes alone. Leave me alone! Get out of my life!But, before you go, would you please perform the following: Pass a law closing our borders? Would you please pass a law disallowing all foreigners (that we don’t like) any right to immigrate. Please pass a no fly zone law over our country and our ‘protectorates’. Oh yeah, about that Ebola thing…please make an amendment to send all those infected back to Africa where they belong. You know, like a 59th Amendment or something (a high numbered amendment would be more impressive)! Oh and make English our only legal language….real American english, not that British junk. Make it a law to include prayer in school. Pass a law that forces schools to teach creationism, and illegal to teach evolution. And pass a law to make everyone under the poverty level (like there really is such a thing…..except for completely lazy people) take a drug test before they can do anything. Better yet, make being poor a felony! Oooooh debtors prisons would be good, but only if the government paid for them. Plus make a law that lets me only have to spend money on me and mine; none of that other stuff like welfare programs and socialist/fascist/communist type freebies for the drug addicts, the lazy, and the stupid people out there. One more thing, thank you for protecting our right to completely misinterpret the first and second amendments, as well as most other mythical laws and rights.Okay, NOW get out of my life! Really, get out! Remember, it’s our right to keep and arm bears!Wait, one more thing, make all those filthy liberals move to Canada! Nasty libtards!"
So leave my right to bear arms alone. It's already hard enough to blog og as it is.
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