Saturday, October 18, 2014

The zombies are coming...

If the zombie apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, are you prepared?  What preparations have you taken?  Are you and your family safe?
If you answered no, none, and no in that order, then have I got a deal for you:
"Zombie Armies 'R Us"
ZARU can satisfy a wide array of zombie army needs.  We have old zombies, young zombies, women zombies, dude zombies.  We have musician zombies, gardener zombies, high-level supermarket administration zombies, master-plasterer zombies, chemist zombies, smokey-bacon purveying zombies.
Mix and match any combination of zombies you wish!

  • 1 zombie-"The Loner" = $25/day
  • 2 zombies-"The Buddy Special" = $49/day
  • 3 zombies- "The French Connection" = $72.50/day
  • 4 zombies- "The Zombi-lateral" = $89.99/day
  • 5 zombies- "The Pentazomb" = $110/day
  • 6 zombies- "The Hexazomb" = $125/day
    *add any additional zombies to your package for $32.50/zombie

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